Hi, I'm Sagui. On my NSFW blog, I was known as fcosg107. I just wanted to say something.
This is completely unrelated, and I need to address it.
I've said this multiple times for three years, but these people don't get it and are idiots. I must repeat it: please don't mention my NSFW content or my account where you shouldn't. I created this separate account specifically to prevent my NSFW content from bothering those who don't want to see it, including minors. I use a different name, fsg_107, not to hide my identity, but to prevent people from harassing me, searching for my main account, and attacking me for my NSFW content.
Please leave me alone and don't mention me in your stupid dramas. Don't involve me in this. I'm not responsible, nor am I to blame. You're just giving me fame and attention. Do you want this fandom to grow with this? "Okay, let's harass a NSFW artist and expand the fandom with pornographic content," but I don't want a bunch of idiots using my NSFW art in their video thumbnails. I hate it. I just want to make something more fun, and I also want to prevent search engines from linking my NSFW work to my main account. There are already comments using my main account name, which could cause this problem and defeat the purpose of creating an alternate account.
So I'm asking everyone to please not share my NSFW work in SFW spaces or in non-SFW-related conversations. If the topic is SFW, it could reach people who don't want to see or hear about my NSFW content. Also, please don't lie, spread, provoke people, or talk bad about the artist by calling them a "p" or predator because it's annoying, which completely defeats the purpose of keeping this account separate.
Also, thanks to the person monitoring this user on their server "here" (since I didn't know or realize what was going on, I found out today on Newgrounds and spoke to this user about what's happening), because what they said about me and others is insulting and disrespectful, not only to me, but also to the NSFW Flipline artists on their accounts, who don't bother others with their content and are being harassed by this user.
They also talked badly about my Radlette drawing from 4 years ago, which was just for a crown meme, and I took it with humor. This person named y3esy drew me in a slightly racist way, and the design was ugly, very much in the style of Tumblr or Twitter artists who complain about other artists' work and redesign it, saying the character design should be like that. I'm fed up and didn't want to listen to those assholes again. They also harassed the Flipline artist (not fit for work) and issued death threats on his server and Twitter posts.
So leave them alone.
Thank you to everyone who has supported me and respected my boundaries.
I truly appreciate it. I love you all.
Although I've left the community, I prefer to do other things that I enjoy, have fun with, and even support.